subscription fee for all individual subscribers.
£ 20 /year
Over 65
subscribers over the age of 65
£ 15 /year
For adult couples and any family members living at the same address
£ 25 /year
For students under the age of 25
£ 10 /year
Membership benefits
The Anglo–Finnish Society holds meetings about once a month (except in summer). Normally these take place in the afternoon or early evening at a variety of venues in central London. Meetings cover various subjects related to Finland and take the form of talks, lectures, film or video shows, visits to concerts and exhibitions. There are also excursions and the occasional lunch or other social event.
The Society also provides information about Finnish events in Britain and occasionally we are able to offer members complimentary or reduced price tickets to concerts given by Finnish performers.
How to join
Please print the application form, and once completed and signed, send it to the Membership Secretary by post or email as set out in the application form. Standing order mandates, if not completed online, should be sent or delivered to your bank. The annual subscription is payable on 1 January. Subscription payments can also normally be made by PayPal but this facility is out of order at present.