31st December 2015
Dinner and Concert at Drapers’ Hall
Dinner and Concert at Drapers’ Hall
Dinner and Concert at Drapers’ Hall
A talk about the current state of Finland’s economy and why there are reasons to be optimistic
Book Launch “A Life of Extremes”: the British discover modern Finland 1917-1941
Inauguration of new reference library at the Finnish Church
Visit to Knebworth House
Following the success of the concert we arranged in 2014 there will be a recital by Laura Mikkola, piano, and Tuomas Ylinen, cello, at St Mark’s Church, Hamilton Terrace, London NW8 starting at 4.00pm. Full details of the concert and brief biographical details of the performers can be seen here Concert Flyer 2015 Tickets in […]
The Annual General Meeting will take place at Europe House, 32 Smith Square, London SW1 starting at 6.00pm. Formal Notice of the meeting has been sent direct to members of the Society. Following the AGM there will be a talk by Edward Clark, President of the UK Sibelius Society on “Sibelius as a European Composer”. […]
The Anglo-Finnish Society and the Finnish-British Chamber of Commerce welcome Andre Noel Chaker to London to expand on his views regarding the successes of Finns, so eloquently explored in his book The Finnish Miracle.
Sini Kiialainen, the Chef at the Finnish Embassy will talk about her book, Kuura, and her experiences of working in London.
‘Reasonable and Necessary’? – Britain’s Declaration of War on Finland 6th December 1941